What is inheritance? |
Difference between Composition and Aggregation. |
Difference: Sequence Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams. |
Difference: 'uses', 'extends', 'includes' |
What shall I go for Package Diagram? |
What is Polymorphism? |
Is class an Object? Is object a class? |
Comment: C++ "includes" behavior and java "imports" |
What do you mean by "Realization"? |
What is a Persistent, Transient Object? |
What is the use of Operator Overloading? |
Does UML guarantee project success? |
Difference: Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram. |
What is association? |
How to resolve many to many relationship? |
How do you represent static members and abstract classes in Class Diagram? |
Can we use UML for user interface (UI) design? |
Every object has : state, behavior and identity - explain |
How to reverse engineer C++ code in UML? |
What are the tools you used for OOAD? |
Difference: Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD)? |
What are the four phases of the Unified Process? |
How do you convert uses cases into test cases? |
Explain Class Diagram in Detail. |
What are the Design Patterns you know? |
When do you prefer to use composition than aggregation? |
UML: IS it a process, method or notation? |
Does a concept HAVE to become a class in Design? |
What are the good practices to use while designing for reuse? |
Can you think of some nice examples where *multiple* actors are associated with a use case? |
How to use CRC Cards for Class Design? |
What is the difference between static and dynamic Classification. Give some examples. |
Explian following terms: Constraint Rules, Design by contract. |
What is Object Constraint Language (OCL)? |
Difference between Attribute and Association. |
What are associative classes? |
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