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::: Operating System:::

Operating System FAQ
What is MUTEX?
Differentiate a 'thread' and a 'process'?
What is INODE?
Explain the working of Virtual Memory.
How does Windows NT support Multitasking?
Explain the Unix Kernel.
What is Concurrency?
Explain Deadlock and Starvation.
What are your solution strategies for "Dining Philosophers Problem" ?
Explain Memory Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation.
Explain Scheduling.
What do you know about - Operating System Security?
What is Semaphore?
Explain the following file systems : NTFS, Macintosh(HPFS), FAT .
What are the different process states?
What is Marshalling?
Define and explain COM?
Difference - Loading and Linking ?
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